What is Magnesium? All you Need to Know
Chris Johnson
Social Anxiety - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments Explained
Social Anxiety - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments Explained Social anxiety disorder is also called social phobia. It is a long-term and often overwhelming fear of social situations that can also be debilitating. Social anxiety is a common problem that typically begins during the teenage years, and it can cause high...
Chris Johnson
What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder and How Can You Control It?
What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder? An Overview People who suffer from generalised anxiety disorder, also known as GAD, find it difficult to control their worries related to common situations, scenarios, and everyday life. It is also sometimes known in the medical field as chronic anxiety neurosis. Generalised anxiety disorder differentiates...
Chris Johnson
What are the Different Types of Anxiety?
Types of Anxiety - What are the Different Types of Anxiety? The way someone reacts to stressful situations will differ from person to person. Most of us, at different points in our lives, will show signs of anxiety. These signs include stress, nervousness, worry, or intense fear, and they usually...
Chris Johnson
11 Common Anxiety Triggers and How They Affect Mental Health
Anxiety Triggers - 11 Common Anxiety Triggers to Understand Mental Health Anxiety is a mental health condition that causes feelings of worry, fear, or tension when exposed to certain triggers. For some people, anxiety disorders can be so severe that it causes panic attacks and extreme physical symptoms like chest...
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